Frequently Asked Questions
At Rush Truck Insurance Services, we've been helping commercial fleets in difficult situations for years. Call us at 210-901-5500 and a Rush Truck Insurance representative will work with you to solve your insurance needs.
Rush Truck Insurance Services is dedicated to commercial truck insurance products. We provide primary liability, non-trucking liability, general liability, physical damage coverage, motor truck cargo coverage, excess coverage, workers' compensation and bonds for Class 8 fleets of five vehicles or more.
No. Rush Truck Insurance Services is dedicated to commercial truck insurance products.
Usually within 24 hours or sooner if you are set up on the online certificates through CSR-24. Email us at or fax us at 830-608-3527.
Call us at 210-901-5531, email us at or fax us at 830-608-3536.
Email us at Put the insured's name in the subject line and provide us with ALL the basic information for your change to ensure that we make the correct changes to your policy. For example, if you need to add a unit, include the year, make, model, complete 17-digit VIN number, value and loss payee. Include your phone number and email address in case we have any questions about your request. Your information will be routed to our expert service teams to be processed.

More Resources
Advance Premium Finance
Associated Acceptance of Texas
Associated Acceptance of Oklahoma
Associated Acceptance of Florida
Associated Acceptance of Georgia
Associated Acceptance of Illinois
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
Texas Department of Transportation
Rush Truck Insurance CSR-24 Self-Serve Portal
Imperial Credit Corporation